
Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection that develops in warm moist areas, such as the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes and urethra. This common disease can easily spread through contact with the penis, vagina, mouth or anus, and does not require ejaculation to spread. Most patients with gonorrhea do not experience any symptoms, although some may have a burning sensation while urinating or discharge from the penis or vagina.
While a diagnosis of gonorrhea may seem devastating, there are treatment options available that can cure this disease and allow you to continue engaging in your normal activities, including an active and healthy sex life. At Family Care Torrance, we provide personalized care for gonorrhea and other STDs that help patients avoid any potential embarrassment and restore their full health as efficiently as possible.


Many men and women with gonorrhea do not experience any symptoms from this condition, and may not even know that they are infected. If symptoms are present, they usually appear 10 to 30 days after exposure to the infection. In women, symptoms are usually mild and may resemble a urinary infection, with symptoms such as:

  • Pain or Burning With Urination
  • yellow Vaginal Discharge
  • Bleeding between Periods
  • Pain During Intercourse

Men with gonorrhea may experience:

  • Discharge or Pain in the Penis
  • Pain or Burning With Urination
  • Pain or Swelling in the Testicles


Your doctor at Family Care Torrance can diagnose gonorrhea by taking a sample of cells from the affected area, or through a urine test that can identify bacteria within the urethra. During testing, you may be screened for other STDs as well, since having gonorrhea often increases your risk for developing other sexually transmitted infections.


If left untreated, gonorrhea can lead to serious health problems and permanent damage. Women with gonorrhea may develop pelvic inflammatory disease, which as a result can cause infertility, chronic pelvic pain and ectopic pregnancy. Men may develop epididymitis, a painful condition that can also lead to infertility.
Gonorrhea puts all patients at an increased risk for HIV, and may spread to the blood or joints and cause serious, life-threatening problems. It is important for patients to see their doctor at the first sign of gonorrhea or any other STD.


Most cases of gonorrhea can be successfully cured through antibiotics in the form of an injection or single tablet taken by mouth. There are an increasing number of certain drug-resistant strains of gonorrhea, which are often difficult to treat by medication. Your doctor at Family Care Torrance may combine medication for gonorrhea with antibiotics used to treat chlamydia, as many patients are infected with both of these diseases.In order to ensure the most successful treatment, it is important for patients to take all medication prescribed by their doctor, even if symptoms subside earlier. Partners of infected patients should be tested and treated for gonorrhea as well, even if no symptoms or present. This also helps reduce the risk of re-infection for you and your partner.


There are several steps that you and your partner can take to reduce your risk of developing gonorrhea and maintain a happy and healthy sexual relationship. The only effective ways to prevent this and other STDs is by abstaining from sexual intercourse or by being in a long-term, monogamous relationship with a partner that you know is not infected.
Using latex condoms every time you have sex and being tested regularly can also help reduce the risk of gonorrhea and detect any infections as early as possible to ensure the most effective treatment. If diagnosed, it is important to avoid having sex until treatment has been completed.