Molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV) is a common infection that causes small harmless bumps on the skin as a result of sexual contact with an infected person. This infection can spread through vaginal, anal or oral sex as a result of any skin contact with an infected area. Skin bumps usually appear two to seven weeks after exposure to infection, although in some patients it may take up to six months before symptoms are present.In addition to sexual transmission, this infection may also spread through skin-to-skin contact and is common in children. MCV remains contagious until all bumps are gone.


Patients with MCV often experience small, raised, round bumps on the skin of the genital area that are filled with fluid and may appear pearly or skin-colored. They may become itchy, irritated or sore, especially if scratched. Since this infection is spread through skin contact, bumps may also appear on the face, neck, abdomen, thighs, buttocks and nearly any other area of skin exposed to the virus.


You doctor at Family Care Torrance can diagnose MCV by examining skin bumps. A sample of the bump may be taken to be analyzed under a microscope in order to confirm the diagnosis.


Most cases of MCV can be treated effectively and are not considered a serious health problem. Some patients may develop redness and inflammation in the bumps, which usually occurs as a result of an immune system reaction and can be handled. Scratching bumps can lead to other types of infection as well.


Bumps will usually go away on their own if left untreated, although this can take up to two years, during which time patients can still spread the infection to others. For this reason, most patients choose to have the bumps removed by their doctor.
Treatment for MCV may include scraping (curettage), freezing (cryotherapy) or using laser therapy to remove skin growths and clear the infection. These procedures are usually performed using a topical anesthetic to reduce discomfort. Topical medications may also be used to help remove skin bumps. Your doctor will recommend the best treatment or combination of treatments for you based on a thorough evaluation of your condition.
After treatment, it is important for patients to avoid scratching the treated area, and to keep the area clean in order to ensure proper healing and prevent the infection from recurring. Your doctor will provide specific post-treatment instructions for you to help you return to your active and healthy lifestyle.


Though it is easily spread, there are several steps you can take to prevent acquiring and spreading the MCV infection. Using condoms every time you have sex can reduce exposure to MCV during sexual contact, although this virus may be present in areas not covered by a condom. Covering the bumps with bandages or clothing can also help prevent the spread of MCV, as skin-to-skin contact will be significantly reduced.Patients with active infections should wash their hands on a regular basis, avoid scratching skin growths and avoid sharing towels and washcloths with others. Your doctor at Family Care Torrance will help you develop a specific treatment and prevention plan to ensure that you and your partner are clear from infection and safe to resume sexual contact.